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The Activity section of the Nullafi Shield Admin Console displays data about each transaction scanned by the Shield engine. It records information about who is accessing what data types, which applications have what data, and whether or not an Obfuscation was used to redact sensitive information.

Main Table View

The majority of the Activity page is taken up by the main Table View. Each row in the table represents a single transaction, with the columns displaying rich data about each transaction. By default, the table is sorted by time with the most recent transactions at the top. Depending on the number of columns displayed, the table may be wider than your web browser window. In this case there will be a scrollbar at the bottom of the table.

Refresh Activity Data

The Activity Table displays the most recent transactions when you load the page, but to prevent rapid scrolling it is not a 'live view' of transactions. You can get the most recent data by clicking on the


button next to the Last Updated timestamp.

  • Sorting: The rows of the table can be sorted by clicking on the title of each sortable column.
    • An arrow appears next to the column header to indicate whether the column is sorted in Ascending or Descending order.
    • A number appears next to the Ascending/Descending arrow to indicate the column's Sort Order. Nullafi Shield supports up to three sort keys (primary, secondary, and tertiary sort columns).
    • Some columns cannot be used for sorting due to the types of data they contain. For example, the Detected Data Types column contains a list of data types rather than a single value.
  • Reordering Columns: The order in which the columns are displayed can be changed by using the 'handles' next to each column header. Just drag and drop the columns left or right to change the display.

Nullafi Shield records many details about each transaction. In addition to sorting and moving columns, Administrators can use the View and Filter controls to further optimize the Activity display for their purposes.

View Menu

The View Menu on the upper right of the Activity page offers controls for the table's appearance and granular column settings. Under "Table Density" an Administrator can choose how much spacing appears around each entry. Under Column Settings, Administrators can control which columns appear in the table, and it what order.

  • Column Appearance: check the box next to each column that you want to appear in the Activity table. Deselect those columns you wish to hide.
  • Column Order: use the 'handles' next to each column checkbox to reorder the columns. Drag and drop the columns up or down to change the order.
  • Bottom buttons:
    • Use the Apply button after making changes to Table Density or Column Settings to apply the changes and return to the Activity Table
    • Use the Cancel button to close the View menu without making any changes.
    • Use the Reset button to restore the default column configuration (both which columns appear and their ordering).

Table Size

By default, the Activity Table shows 25 entries per page. Use the drop-down menu below the table to choose the number of entries to be displayed (between 25 and 200). When the number of entries is too many to display within the web browser, a scrollbar will appear on the right side of the table.

When the current filter returns more than one page of entries (see Table Size above), it is necessary to use the page navigation controls to view the rest of the entries.

  • Current Display: Below the Activity Table, next to the Entries per page setting, Shield reports which entries are currently being displayed. If the current filter returns 3,000 records, it might say "51-75 of 3000" which page of results is currently being displayed.
  • Navigation Buttons: The left and right arrow buttons next to the current display text allow navigation to the next or previous page or entries. In the example from above, clicking on the Left arrow button will change the display to "26-50 of 3000" (one page of entries prior). When there are no further records to show, the Arrow button will be greyed out.
  • Skip To ...: When the current filter returns many entries, the "Skip To ..." text entry box allows you to quickly jump across many pages. Type the number of the entry to appear at the top of the table and press Enter on your keyboard to jump to that page. For example, when there are 3,000 entries returned by the current filter, typing 2500 into the "Skip To ..." field will take the table to a page displaying records "2500-2524 of 3000"


By default no filters are applied to the Activity Table. Every record is displayed, starting with the 25 most recent. Filters can be used in order to zero in on particular records in the Activity database.

Filter Builder

Filters can be applied by clicking on the buttons above the Activity Table. When you finish building a filter, click outside the box to apply the filter an return to the Activity Table.

Filter options vary depending on what type of data is contained in the column.

  • Time: in the Timestamp column, the filter builder allows you to craft filters according to when the records were recorded.
    • "In the range" filters will return entries between a start and end date.
    • "Within the last" filters will return entries that are less than a certain age (starting backwards from 'now')
    • "More than" filters will return entries that are older than a certain age.
  • Boolean: some columns record boolean values like "yes/no" or "on/off." These will be presented with checkboxes for selecting the value you wish to filter.
  • List: some columns can record a list of values. In these columns, the Filter Builder will allow you to select the values for the filter
    • Example: In the Detected Data Types column, you can select the checkboxes for both Credit Card and Email Address. Now only records where BOTH of those data types were detected will be displayed.
  • Text: some columns contain text data. The Filter Builder for these columns allows you to type in the data you want to use for filtering.
    • Text to search: type the text you wish to use for the search
    • "+" Button: after typing in the text, click on the plus button to add the search item
    • To remove a search term from the list, click on the corresponding trash can icon

A group of commonly used filters appears above the Activity Table. Click on the More + button at the end of those filters to add filter items.

Advanced Filters

In order to keep the Filter Builder easy to use, it limits some to the queries that can be created. If you require more advanced filters, the Advanced Mode button will allow you to create complex filters using Shield's query language. See the Advanced Queries page for details.

To return from the Advanced Mode to the Filter Builder, click on the Simple Mode button at the top of the Activity page.

Activity Export

The Export button at the upper right of the Activity Page allows you to download a .csv file of the Activity data.

  • The exported data will match the currently applied filters.
  • The exported data will include all available columns regardless of which are displayed in the Activity Table
  • Exports are limited to 10,000 records. Use filters to reduce the data to be exported.