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Configuration >> Test Page

Admin Console Configuration

The Configuration section of the Admin Console is for controlling the application settings of Nullafi Shield. These affect the behavior of Shield itself, not the traffic flowing through it (see Policy for traffic behavior settings).

Test Page

The Shield Test Page is available for testing Policies. To facilitate testing from multiple locations and browsers, this page is served from the Admin Console without authentication.

Application Definition

The test page is served from https://[hostname or IP]/test. You can create an Application definition for any part of that URL (hostname, domain, path) in testing to see how the different options behave.

Sample Data

The sample data on the test page allows you to test different Obfuscations and Rules to see how they interact with various data types.

Other Formats

The test page allows you to download the sample data in various formats. Application definitions can include content type detection -- these download options allow for testing rules that might cover all or only some of the different formats.