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Configuration >> API Keys

Admin Console Configuration

The Configuration section of the Admin Console is for controlling the application settings of Nullafi Shield. These affect the behavior of Shield itself, not the traffic flowing through it (see Policy for traffic behavior settings).

API Keys

We will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to generate API keys using the Nullafi Dashboard. These API keys play a vital role in enabling you to efficiently interact with Nullafi Shield via its API endpoints, enabling you to effectively manage the Nullafi Shield configuration.

Prerequisites: - Access to the Nullafi Dashboard with appropriate permissions.

Step 1: Access the API Key Generation

  1. Log in to your Nullafi Dashboard using your credentials.

  2. Once logged in, navigate to the "Configuration" section. You can typically find this in the main menu or dashboard.

Step 2: Generate API Keys

  1. Within the "Configuration" section, look for the "API Keys" option. Click on it to proceed.

  2. In the "API Keys" settings, you will find a button labeled "Generate API Keys." Click on this button to create a new API key.

  3. Upon clicking "Generate API Keys," Nullafi Dashboard will generate a new API key for you.

  4. You can generate up to two API keys for your account. If you need more, consider carefully whether additional keys are necessary and manage them accordingly.

Step 3: Save API Keys Securely

  1. Once the API key is generated, you will see it displayed on the screen. This is your secret key for accessing Nullafi Shield via the API.

Important Note

Nullafi Shield does not store your API keys for security reasons. It is your responsibility to save the API key securely. We recommend using a secure password manager or a secure storage solution to keep track of your API keys.

  1. Do not share your API keys with unauthorized personnel, as they grant access to your Nullafi Shield account.

Step 4: Deleting an API Key

  1. If you need to delete an API key for any reason, return to the "API Keys" section in the Configuration menu.

  2. You will see a list of your existing API keys. Find the key you want to delete and click on the "Delete" or "Remove" button associated with it.

  3. Confirm the deletion when prompted.

Step 5: Using Your API Keys

  1. With your API keys securely stored, you can now use them to interact with Nullafi Shield's API endpoints.

  2. Refer to Nullafi Shield's API documentation for details on how to make API requests, including authentication using your API keys. Remember to keep your API keys safe and do not share them with unauthorized users.

API Documentation

The Api Documentation is embedded as part of Nullafi Shield. You can acess it using the path /swagger/index.htmlfrom the base URL of your instance (e. g. Or clicking at the "APi Documentation" link under "Configuration-> API Keys" in the Nullafi Dashboard