Container Options

List of all available environment variables for the container:

Environment Variable Possible Values Default Description
NULLAFI_API_KEY any string of characters none Sets an API Key to be used by clients on Nullafi Shield API Requests
NULLAFI_SERVERMODE [icap | api | web | alert | all] all Sets which services will run on the Shield container. ICAP server, API server, Web Management Console (which includes API), Alert server, or all at once (all is convenient for testing but not recommended for production).
NULLAFI_ACTIVITY_DATABASE_URL a valid Elasticsearch URL none Sets the Activity Database location, including the protocol, credentials, hostname, and path for an Elasticsearch database accessible by the Web Management Console and all ICAP enforcement nodes.
NULLAFI_ELASTIC_CERTIFICATE_FINGERPRINT a valid SHA256 hex fingerprint given by Elasticsearch on first launch none see
NULLAFI_REDIS_URI a valid Redis URI none Sets the Web Management Console's configuration database location, including the protocol, credentials, hostname, and path for a Redis database accessible by the Web Management Console and all ICAP enforcement nodes.
NULLAFI_LOG_FILE_DIR a valid path to a folder ./log Sets the path to the log file
NULLAFI_LOG_TO_FILE [true | false] FALSE By default sends the log information to the stdout.
NULLAFI_LICENSE_KEY_FILE a valid path to a file none Passes the Nullafi Shield license information by reference to a file on the filesystem. Mutually exclusive with NULLAFI_LICENSE_KEY_VALUE. Nullafi Shield requires one of NULLAFI_LICENSE_KEY_FILE or NULLAFI_LICENSE_KEY_VALUE to exist but will only use one at a time.
NULLAFI_LICENSE_KEY_VALUE any string of characters none Passes the Nullafi Shield license information by directly invoking the license key string. Mutually exclusive with NULLAFI_LICENSE_KEY_FILE. Nullafi Shield requires one of NULLAFI_LICENSE_KEY_FILE or NULLAFI_LICENSE_KEY_VALUE to exist but will only use one at a time.
NULLAFI_HTTP_CUSTOM_DOMAIN any valid hostname localhost Sets the custom domain for the web Web Management Console
NULLAFI_SHOWBUILD [true | false] TRUE Determines whether the software build number is displayed in the Web Management Console
NULLAFI_SHOWDATE [true | false] FALSE Determines whether the software build date is displayed in the Web Management Console
NULLAFI_HTTP_PORT [0-65535] 8080 Sets the listening port for plain text (HTTP) access to the Web Management Console. This is the container’s listening port, and might be mapped through the host’s network stack in several ways. By default, browsers use port 80 for HTTP and so it is common to map the host’s port 80 to the container’s 8080
NULLAFI_HTTPS_ENABLED [true | false] FALSE Controls whether the Web Management Console will be offered with SSL encryption (via HTTPS).
NULLAFI_HTTPS_PORT [0-65535] 8081 Sets the listening port for SSL encrypted (HTTPS) access to the Web Management Console. This is the container’s listening port, and might be mapped through the host’s network stack in several ways. By default, browsers use port 443 for HTTPS and so it is common to map the host’s port 443 to the container’s 8081
NULLAFI_HTTPS_TLS_CERT_FILE a path to the TLS certificate file (.crt) none Sets the certificate to be used for secure HTTPS connections to the Web Management Console. If not using the ACME protocol, Nullafi Shield can be configured to use specific certificates manually managed by the administrator. Ordinarily, these would be signed by the organization's private Certificate Authority.
NULLAFI_HTTPS_TLS_KEY_FILE a path to the TLS key file (.pem) none Sets the private key to be used for secure HTTPS connections to the Web Management Console. If not using the ACME protocol, Nullafi Shield can be configured to use specific certificates manually managed by the administrator. Ordinarily, these would be signed by the organization's private Certificate Authority.
NULLAFI_HTTPS_ENABLE_ACME [true | false] FALSE Sets if Nullafi Shield will obtain a certificate for the Web Management Console using the ACME protocol service. See more in RFC8555
NULLAFI_HTTPS_CERT_DIR a valid path to a folder ./certs Sets the path where ACME SSL certificates will be stored. This should be mounted to persistent storage to avoid excessive certificate generation attempts from container restarts.
NULLAFI_HTTPS_ACME_SERVER_URL a valid URL none ACME directory URL for signed HTTP certificates.
NULLAFI_HTTPS_ACME_DNS01_PROVIDER a valid DNS provider name none The DNS Provider used by the Acme DNS-01 challenge automation process, see the options:
NULLAFI_PROXY_CERT_FILE a valid path to a file none Allows the Web Management Console to distribute the public key used by the Proxy to sign SSL certificates. End user devices can download the certificate for importing into their own trust store from the Web Management Console without authentication.
NULLAFI_PROXY_URL a valid hostname or IP address and port combination, separated by a colon (e.g., none Allows the Web Management Console to distribute a custom PAC file. End user devices can download the PAC file or point their automatic proxy settings to the PAC file download URL inside the Web Management Console.
NULLAFI_GOOGLE_LOGOUT_URL a valid URL Allows Shield to recognize when a user has logged out from the identity provider so it can invalidate the user's SAML session.
NULLAFI_NODE_NAME any string of characters nullafi shield When the Shield instance is configured as an ICAP server (NULLAFI_SERVERMODE is set to either "icap" or "both"), sets the name of the Shield instance to appear in the Web Management Console and Activity Log.
NULLAFI_ICAP_PORT [0-65535] 1344 Sets the TCP port for the ICAP protocol. This is the container’s listening port, and might be mapped through the host’s network stack in several ways.
NULLAFI_ICAPS_ENABLED [true | false] FALSE Sets the ICAP protocol to run on TLS
NULLAFI_ICAPS_PORT [0-65535] 11344 Sets the TCP port for the ICAP protocol with TLS. This is the container’s listening port, and might be mapped through the host’s network stack in several ways.
NULLAFI_ICAP_TLS_KEY_FILE a path to the TLS key file (.pem) none Sets the path to the key file for ICAPS protocol (ICAP with SSL).
NULLAFI_ICAP_TLS_CERT_FILE a path to the TLS certificate file (.crt) none Sets the path to the certificate file for ICAPS protocol (ICAP with SSL).
NULLAFI_ICAP_MUTUAL_TLS_CLIENT_FILE a path to the TLS certificate file none Sets client and server ICAP to use signed certificate to authenticate each other.
NULLAFI_SYSLOG_ACTIVITY_ENABLE [true | false] FALSE Sets the log information to be sent to a SYSLOG service.
NULLAFI_SYSLOG_ACTIVITY_NETWORK [tcp | udp] none Sets the network protocol to be used by syslog
NULLAFI_SYSLOG_ACTIVITY_REMOTE_ADDRESS a valid hostname or IP address and port combination, separated by a colon (e.g., none Sets the syslog destination server and port
NULLAFI_TRACER_ENDPOINT a valid URL none A compatible OpenTelemetry tool URL (vendors: Splunk, Grafana, SolarWind, FluentBit, etc)